Friday, March 13, 2009

Strength Training For Cyclists

Studies conducted to date, the impact of weight training cycles, yielded mixed results. The investigation established Ben Hurley of the University of Maryland had 10 healthy, with strength training ( Bank of the press, hip flexion, knee extension, knee flexion, push- ups, leg presses, lat pull downs, the hand locks, parallel squat and sit Bent- KNA - UPS) for 12 weeks, while eight other healthy men earn, as a control.

After 12 weeks of strength training Monday to improve their endurance, and cycling intensity 75 percent V02max by 33 percent and abolished lactate threshold ( undivided head predicting endurance performance) by 12 per cent.

But these men were untrained prior to the survey, rather than through regular forums bike training in the field of scientific research in order to use these findings for serious athletes is questionable

A study conducted by RC Hickson and his colleagues at the University of Illinois at Chicago, was much more practical. In this endeavor, experienced cyclists eight to three days per week strength training to their normal endurance sub to 10- week period.

The strength of an incredibly simple, focusing on the parallel squat ( five Posted tions of five representatives from each practice) , knee extensions ( three Posted tions five representatives) , the bending of the knees ( 3 x 5) , and beautiful legs ( 3 x 25) , all with relatively Heavy resistance.

Only progression used in the program concerned motstand, which is constantly growing in numbers improved.

Despite the strength training was a strong positive impact on cycling performance. After 10 weeks, the cyclists improved their short- term endurance ( the ability to expand the practice to a very high intensity) , with about 11 per cent and also increased the number of syllables, you can walk at a rate of 80% V02max from 71 to 85 minutes if the 20- percent upgrade.

On the other hand, we have a study conducted by James the heart and his colleagues at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, seven endurance cyclists who, on average, about 200 kilometers of bike week, three of strength training in their regular routine. The strength of the program was relatively simple, consisting of three groups of eight repetitions involve invasive, leg presses and chetyrehglavoy increase the use of a fairly heavy resistance.

After six weeks of strength training have been fairly impressive gains in force ( an average profit of not more than 20 per cent) . But the cycling performance is not improved, in fact, they were worse than before because of the preparation is finished!

40- K race times more slowly from 59 to 62 minutes, and the strength- trained cyclists complained of feeling " heavy" , and thought over his training.

Why Hickson study to identify the obvious advantages associated with the number of training cycles, while creating scutwork showed the opposite?

No one knows for tvarsaker, which means that it is time for personal observation. It seems indeed true that the strength training carried out in Hickson charges improved fatigue, held in their muscles that enables them to remain longer in high- intensity tests of endurance and prolonged efforts at submaximal ( 80% V02max) intensity.

At the same time, it is to plate heart added force sent its athletes to prepare overtranad - or at least the " old" - the state. In the middle of fatigue, which occurred shortly after the start of strength training indicates that the athletes were clearly too many people seek.

Hospital cyclists were on average 124 miles a week driving force began its training, while Hickson athletes were logging a lot less than a mile, " said one might be tempted to assume that the force can provide the training manuals for the basic law run a lot of cyclists, but to a lesser extent, there is increasing distance competitors, which have already established a considerable force to riding.

This is certainly not an unreasonable idea, but it does not explain why strength training does indeed slow down endurance performances, because it seems to make nests for implementation ( no other research has shown that) . It is quite acceptable to hangout added strength training to a country that broke camel' s back, there was no force, which has slowed the training of cyclists, but overall they have been slogging completed.

Another problem that is not stored in controlled studies of diet and supplements would have serious consequences.

This is my personal feeling, after three decades in the field of physical education is designed to prepare the mass of Ford a bad run, almost all of GAMESS is implemented then the choice and paired with unwavering power.

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